Beautiful, But Quiet, Charleston!

Tues, 3/17, Charleston

We took two multi-mile walks. Lots of shops and restaurants were shut down. Charleston University was on spring break and then 2 weeks of distance learning. There seemed to be high school kids and parents touring a bit, but otherwise the place was dead! Totally good with us!

We walked the historic area but have no good pictures to show for it – dah!!

Historic hotels
Pretty churches
Many of the large houses were turned into apartments.
Many long, narrow homes facing sideways. This one had the drive, but many had very intricate gardens. Most had two full balconies. Sadly no picture – silly me!
Beautiful azaleas everywhere!
This was a pretty park. Lots of runners and dog walkers.
Ronald McDonald House.

Well we’ve eaten out for the last time. Good news it was excellent Southern Comfort food! Enough leftovers for a meal – always good! The second night we ate in and learned from another American Tug owners that it was the last night you could “eat in” in SC. NC has done the same.

This couple were on a brand new built to order 39’ American Tug – crazy expensive!!! She grew up sailing and they were from RI. They are used to ocean cruising and plan to do the down east loop which is up the St. Lawrence and then out around Nova Scotia and down along Maine. That’s a lot of foggy, rough water!

He is a big blogger and had gone on a rant about no TP. We decided to stop by and leave them a TP gift. We put our card and a funny note on it. They were actually there and filmed our TP gift and it is on their closed FB blog. They gave us a homemade bottle of limoncello – we definitely got the better end of that exchange!!! We got a tour and they got one of our boat.

Fort Pierce Marina which we stayed at (and a few others we didn’t stay at) have closed to new boats arriving. We find that strange as there is very little contact aside from maybe help with ropes getting in and out of the slip. Granted some boaters rely on the bath/shower house, but many like us don’t. Cross your fingers this won’t impact us. We only have 9 travel days left. Thus, we could be at our house as early as 4/1.

One thought on “Beautiful, But Quiet, Charleston!”

  1. Really enjoyed the pictures! Keep safe and glad you’ll be home for an early arrival-not that any of us will be able to really visit with each other! God Bless, Kathy

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